TinkerCAD Design Challenge!

Learn how to create 3D models with TinkerCAD


3D design refers to using software to create a digital model of a three-dimensional shape or object. Organisations and professionals across industries use 3D design to communicate ideas, create products and customer experiences, teach concepts, improve lives, and more. For example, dentists can X-ray a damaged tooth and produce a 3D model of a crown to repair it, while the film industry uses 3D design to envision scenes and execute special effects.

Today, we are going to use TinkerCAD

TinkerCAD is a free go-to program for anyone who is looking to delve into the world of 3D modelling, electronics, and coding.

Getting Started

First login to TinkerCAD using the link below and enter the class code


Class Code:   1GV PWN 75S 22I  

Next, click on Join with Nickname and type your first name

Getting Started

Start by going through the tutorials Place It, View It, and Move It

Follow the instructions on the Left Panel

If you want to skip ahead or look at different tutorials, go to this link. Then click View All                                              tinkercad.com/learn 

Once you’ve finished the tutorials or feel confident enough to use TinkerCad, let’s create our first 3D design and complete the Mini Challenges

Click on the TinkerCad icon at the top right

Then click Create your first 3D design

Mini Challenge Checklist

  1. Place a shape
  2. Delete A Shape
  3. Change the Size of a shape
  4. Move a Shape
  5. Change the workplane
  6. Cut a hole out of a shape

Challenge - Create your own Name Tag

This challenge will include skills on

Try and complete this challenge on your own, using your new skills from the tutorial. If you are ever stuck on anything, go through the next few pages of this booklet, or ask your instructor for help.

  1. Create a cube

  1. Flatten the cube. Aim for a height between 3.00 - 5.00 mm

  1. Stretch the object to the dimensions as shown below

  1. Insert a cylinder

  1. Move and resize the cylinder as shown below

  1. Select all the objects and click on Group

  1. Insert another cylinder

  1. Select Hole at the top right, and reposition the cylinder as shown below

  1. Select all the objects and click on Group

Your name tag should look like this so far

  1. Insert a TEXT object and write your name. Resize the text  object to fit into your name tag

If you need another line, insert another TEXT object

  1. Select all the objects and click on Group.

Well Done! You have created your own Name Tag!


  1. Use another shape for your name tag
  2. Use the Hole function for the Text Object
  3. Make the name tag double-sided